#In the spotlights
Read all about our new digital print tool feature!
You can now search for our digital print theme collections in our digital print tool!
Author: Tootal
#In the spotlights

New feature!

You can now search for our digital print theme collections in our digital print tool! As our digital print database is expanding due to popularity, our digital print tool is evolving as well. You can now not only filter on colour or design, but also on theme collection! Visit our digital print tool here


Digital print theme collections

Our digital print theme collections are all designed by professional designers in our own design studio in Milan. Our designers are extremely creative, always know what is popular and have a never ending imagination and follow the latest trends from around the world. This combination ensures trendy and innovative designs to your liking! Have a look at our digital print theme collections here and get a glimpse of what our designers have in store for you. 


Our most recent digital print seasonal collections (Inverno and Primavera) are stock supported and all items have an article and colour number for reference. Our theme collections are made-to-order, so you can choose your own base fabric to print your design on. See the possible base fabrics in one of our themebooks which you can find here!


Your own digital print design?

At Tootal Fabrics we also offer the possibility to design your own digital print collection. The possibilities are endless. Our designers are available to create anything you require!

To order a design you like, you can contact your Tootal Fabrics sales contact with the SKU-number and with the desired base fabric. You can find the SKU-numbers by the images in the theme book, which you can download on our themebook page. On our themebooks page you will find all of our themebooks!

If you are interested in any of the designs, feel free to contact us! Maybe you have a great idea for a new digital print theme? Contact us and let us know!

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great collection and design tools, quick and easy to order